Title American Legion Children of Warriors
Due Date 3/1/2025 12:00 AM
End Time 3/1/2025 11:59 PM
  1. Candidates shall be daughters, stepdaughters, sons, stepsons, grandsons, step-grandsons, granddaughters, step-granddaughters,great grandsons, step-great-grandsons, great granddaughters, step-great granddaughters of veterans who served in the Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in the American Legion.  (see attached for dates)
  2. Senior in high school
  3. Must have completed 50 hours of volunteer service in the community and verify in writing by the recipient organizations.
  4. FOUR letters of recommendation (see attached for specifics)
  5. Essay (no more than 1,000 words) entitiled "How I can Help Childrn of Military Families"
  6. Offficial transcript
  7. Copy of ACT/SAT scores
  8. Copy of the FAFSA
  9. Brief statement of military service of parents or grandparents (see attached for details)

How to Apply:  Visit https://legion-aux.formstack.com/forms/2022_children_of_warriors_national_presidents_scholarship_application

All Day Event Yes
Recurrence Every year on March 1
Content Type: Event