Title National Assc of Women in Construction Scholarship
Due Date 2/28/2025 12:00 AM
End Time 2/28/2025 11:59 PM


  • Meet one of the following:  1 - be a HS senior accepted into a post-secondary institution 2 - undergraduate student 3 - part time student enrolled in a minimum of 8 credits while working full time in a construction field
  • Pursue a course of study that will lead to a degree in a construction related field
  • Submit completed application


  • Completed Application (attached)
  • Attach a paragraph as described in Section V
  • Attach a letter of reference described in Section VI

Amount:  $1000 (2 awards); $500 (1 award) to be distributed Fall semester

Deadline: February 28

All Day Event Yes
Recurrence Every year on February 28
National Assc of Women in Construction.pdf    
Content Type: Event