Title Hagen Scholarship Foundation
Due Date 11/15/2024 12:00 AM
End Time 11/15/2024 11:59 PM
"Helping rural students graduate debt free"
Eligibility Requirements
  1. Must be a resident of an eligible state (see attached)
  2. Must have attended as a junior and seniors an eligible high school
  3. Must be a student in the 2017 high school graduating class
  4. Must have achieved a 3.5 CGPA or higher
  5. Must score a 23 or higher on the ACT
  6. Must enroll in a 4year college the fall semester following high school graduation
  7. Must work 240 hours in 12 months prior to the start of each academic year of college
  8. Must complete the FAFSA in 2016 using the 2015 Tax Information.  FAFSA EFC must be less than $7500
  9. Must apply for eligible Federal and State grants
  10. Must not have been convicted of a felony

Deadline: November 15

How to apply:  See the attached document and visit www.hsfmo.org

All Day Event Yes
Recurrence Every year on November 15
Hagen Scholarship Foundation.pdf    
Content Type: Event