Title Ramia Boersma Memorial Scholarship by SDEA
Due Date 2/15/2025 12:00 AM
End Time 2/15/2025 11:59 PM
  • Must be a HS senior or college sophomore in the state of South Dakota
  • Son or daughter of active or retired members of SDEA/NEA (South Dakota Education Association/National Education Association)
  • Plan to enter the teaching profession
  • Be in the top quarter of his/her class of January 2011
  • Be accepted and/or enrolled in a South Dakota college or university
  • Official copy of high school transcript
  • A list of academic and extra-curricular activities
  • Letters of recommendation from at least 2 teachers and one administrator
  • A 300-500 word essay on the strengths and skills the applicant will bring to the field of education
Amount $750 (3 awards) with the option of a second year extension if: 1) Been a full time student in a teacher preparation program in a SD college or university; 2) Maintained at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA); 3) Maintained membership in the SDEA/NEA Student Program
How to apply Further details about the SDEA/NEA Ramia Boersma Memorial Scholarship can be found online at www.sdea.org/awardprograms/scholarship.htm  Send completed applications and attachments to SDEA/NEA Scholarship Committee, 411 East Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
All Day Event Yes
Recurrence Every year on February 15
Content Type: Event