Counselor's Corner > Watch D.O.G.S

Would you like to spend the entire day with your child?

Are you curious what your child's typical day is like?

Sign up for Hanson Watch D.O.G.S 

 Contact your local Watch DOGS Coordinator -- Yolanda Price at or 239-4387

​What is Watch D.O.G.S?

Hanson Elementary (gr. 1-4) Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative program focusing on education and safetly in schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose: 

  1. to provide an unobtrusive fathering presence and 
  2. to provide a positive and active role-modle for students at the school. 

Fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and uncles are asked to spend at least one day at their student's school volunteering.  They will support through:

  • monitoring the school property
  • working one-on-one or in small groups
  • reading
  • flashcards
  • homework
  • sports referees
  • listening ears or
  • for whatever needs to be done for PLANT THE SEEDS OF SUCCESS in the lives of students
< February 2025 >
 Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat 


 Why Watch DOGS?

​39% (18 million) students in grades 1-12 live in homes without their biological father.

Teens without involved father-figures are 7 times more likely to become teen parents.

Obese children are more likely to come from father-absent homes.

Adolescents, particularly boys, in father absent homes are at a dramatically higher risk of personl & property delinqunecies and of substance abuse, drinking and smoking.

Students living in father absent homes are twice as likely to repeat a grade.

Father-absent homes have students who are twice as likely to drop out of school.

There are 2 kinds of fatherlessness:

  1. Physical fatherlessness - the father figure simply isn't there
  2. Emotional fatherlessness - the father figure is in the home but not emotionally engaged in the child's life

Sign up to be a Hanson Watch DOG

Be engaged!  You won't be sorry!

 Contact Yolanda Price --