Mentoring & School-to-Work 


"You must be able to make a life and a living"


 General Information/Description

  •  All students entering School-to-Work MUST be a junior or senior
  • Mentoring MUST be a Hanson freshman, sophomore junior or senior
  • Depending on the mentor experience, students must dress appropriately.
  • Each student will assist in an elementary classroom, Li'l Angels or possibly the business office; assistance may be given to the teacher/mentor host, individual student/child, small groups, business manager
    • This may include grading papers, painting, reading to students, assisting with class projects, changing diapers, assisting in meal time & nap time, business paperwork, etc
  • Students will receive ½ credit per semester; students may be able to receive a total of 2 credits during their high school career
  • Students will have assessment opportunities evaluating strengths and weaknesses and focus on the “big picture” (will the student be an independent learner when they leave Hanson High School?); opportunities must have a purpose and relevance to what applies to real world experiences and eventually create happiness in one's life.
    • Essential Questions to ponder....
      1. What are my talents? Strengths?
      2. Do I utilize either or both?
      3. Do I have a clear sense of purpose?
      4. Am I committed to a clear sense of purpose?
      5. Do my actions reflect or support my sense of purpose?
      6. Do I have clear and written goals?
      7. Do I have a system to obtain my goals?
      8. Am I willing to take the necessary steps/risks to achieve my goals?
      9. Can I depend on myself? Can others?
      10. Do I focus on reasons to take risks or excuses to let go?
      11. How do our personal experiences shape our view of others?
      12. What does it mean to "grow up"?
      13. Do you believe that things are fated no matter what, or do you believe your actions can change the course of your life?
      14. What turning points determine our individual pathways to adulthood?
      15. Am I on my way to a job I love and what I dreamed of as a child?


  • Each student will be required to journal every day after their school-to-work/mentoring experience
  • Each week's journals are due Sunday by midnight via email to the counselor or hard copy
  • Each mentor's host will evaluate their performance based on a Rubric at the end of each semester (see Required Documents to the right)
  • Each student will be responsible for an end of the semester self-reflection/credit application which will be due 3-5 days prior to the end of the grading period (see Required Documents to the right)

People collaboratingRequired Documents